Are you planning to launch a website? A product? An app? Is it still under construction? But, what if in the meantime potential leads visit your website? Are you okay with a blank page being displayed (by default) or will you be revealing your half done website to the visitors?
We guess not. Choosing to show a blank page or a half-done website will only make visitors lose interest and leave your website. To simply put, it’s a bad experience. Then, what should you do?
Opt to: publish a custom ‘COMING SOON’ page on your website. The name itself is self-evident – it is a web page of sorts that gives visitors a sneak peek at what is coming on your website by building excitement among them prior to the launch.
Plus, defining a value proposition, revealing a launch date, and adding relevant call-to-action (CTA) like asking to subscribe to the email list or follow on the social media on your coming soon page allows the interested users to stay updated on your launch and convert them into a successful subscription.
For example,
App Manager 5.0 asks the users’ to sign up by clearly highlighting the solution to the problem. It also adds some perks for signing up prior to launch to convert the potential audience into customers.

Need more examples? Here you go! Presenting a list of twelve finest coming soon pages to give you a clear idea of how a great coming soon page should look like:



Alexa Peterson

Ella Hudson Beauty

Car Leado





Beet Nut


We have also compiled tips to make an awesome coming soon page, check it out – Coming Soon Page: 06 Cool Tips To Build A Perfect One!